Conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
Numbers in square brackets refer to the relative entry in the "Publications" tab.
If you prefer a visual summary, click here.
Invited talks
Lecture series, Digital Humanities im Fokus: Methoden, Anwendungen und Perspektiven, University of Rostock • Rostock, 28.04.2025
Title: tba [slides]
Seminar, Humanités Numériques Tourangelles, University of Tours • Tours, 04.02.2025
Title: Charting the Evolution of Early Modern Drama Aesthetics: A Computational Approach [slides]
Digital Humanities Kolloquium, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg • Erlangen, 28.01.2025
Title: Computational Modelling of Literary Characters (with Daniil Skorinkin) [slides]
Digital Philology Seminar: Varianti digitali: metodi, cantieri, proposte • Padova, 13.02.2024
Title: Critica computazionale: metodi e prospettive [Computational Criticism: Methods and Perspectives] [slides]
Contributed talks
DHd 2024: Quo vadis, DH? • Passau, 26.02-1.03.2024
Title: Quantitative Ansätze zur Untersuchung der frühneuzeitlichen Dramengeschichte [Quantitative Approaches for the Investigation of Early Modern Drama History] [slides] [#2-5]
SRDH Doctoral Symposium • Genova, 21-22.05.2024
Title: Artificial Fairy Tales: An Experiment in Computational Narratology [slides]
AIUCD 2024: Mete Digitali • Catania, 28-30.05.2024
Title: Digitalizzazione e modellazione della Drammaturgia di Leone Allacci [Digitalisation and modelling of Leone Allacci's Drammaturgia] [slides] [#2-6]
CUDAN 2023 • Tallinn, 13-16.12.2023
Title: The Courtroom as Stage: Exploring the Performative Dimension of Genocide Trials [slides] [#4-2]
CCLS 2023 + General Meeting, DFG SPP 2207 • Würzburg, 22-23.06.2023
Title: Computational approaches to opera libretti [slides] [#1-1]
Poster presentations
DH 2024: Reinvention and Responsibility • Washington D.C., 6-9.08.2024
DH 2023: Collaboration as Opportunity • Graz, 10-14.07.2023
Poster [#2-4]
AIUCD 2023: La memoria digitale • Siena, 5-7.06.2023
Poster [#2-3]
DHd 2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture • Belval/Trier, 13-17.03.2023
Poster [#2-2]
DH 2022: Responding to Asian Diversity • Tokyo (online), 19-23.09.2022
Poster [#2-1]
DH Spring School: Text as Data • Potsdam, 31.04.-04.04.2025
Role: Organiser
Book presentation: Theather as Data (with Miguel Escobar Varela) • Potsdam, 28.11.2024
Role: Organiser
CCLS 2024 • Vienna, 13-14.06.2024
Role: On-site staff
DHd 2022: Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses + BarCamp • Potsdam and online, 7-11.03/8-9.07.2022
Role: Member of the local organisers' team
International Conference: Linked Open Data and Literary Studies • Berlin, 19-20.11.2024
Workshop: Digitale Komparatistik: Perspektiven und Strategien (invited) • Halle/Saale, 14-15.11.2024
Workshop: Computational Drama Analysis: Achievements and Opportunities • Cologne, 15-16.09.2022
CCLS 2022 + General Meeting, DFG SPP 2207 • Darmstadt, 31.05-02.06.2022
Closing Conference, COST Action CA16204 • Kraków (online), 21-22.04.2022