
  1. Professional experience

    • Research assistant (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) • University of Potsdam • 2022-

      Activity: R&D for the DraCor project.

    • Instructor • CLS-INFRA ExploreCor Training School • Vienna, 10-12.06.2024

      Activity: Organisation of (and/or support to) four sessions of the 3rd CLS-INFRA Training School for computational literary studies scholars.

  2. Studies

    • Joint PhD, Comparative Literature • University of Potsdam and University of Padova • 2021-

      Dissertation (working) title: Quantitative Approaches to European Early Modern Drama (supervisors: Prof. Peer Trilcke, Prof. Rocco Coronato).

    • Master's degree, Comparative Literature • University of Torino and University of Köln (Erasmus) • 2017-2020

      Dissertation title: Aspects of the Evolution of the Literary Canon: An Empirical Study (supervisor: Prof. Roberto Gilodi). Final grade: 110/110 summa cum laude.

    • Bachelor's degree, Comparative Literature • University of Torino and University of Warwick (Erasmus) • 2014-2017

      Dissertation title: 'Offspring of Hell': Origin and Persistence of the Mohocks' Myth (supervisor: Prof. Renato Rizzoli). Final grade: 110/110 cum laude.

  3. Further Training

    • Research Colloquium (Trilcke/D'Aprile): "Literaturtheorien-Methoden-Digital Humanities" • University of Potsdam • 2022- • Research presentations: slides July 2022 | slides January 2023
    • PhD Colloquium of the German Studies Institute • University of Potsdam • 2022- • Poster presentations: 2022 | 2024
    • Winter School: HUJI-FUB Digital Humanities Winter School, 2023 • Hebrew University of Jerusalem • 27.02-01.03.2023
    • Course: "Python for Poets" (DH Netzwerk Potsdam) • University of Potsdam • 2022
    • Seminar: "Digitale Dramenanalyse" (Prof. Frank Fischer) • Freie Universität Berlin • 2022
    • Crash course: Natural Language Processing (240h) • Experis Academy & Deep Learning Italy • 2020
  4. Scholarships and Awards

    • Full PhD scholarship, Federal State of Brandenburg (2021-)
    • Best dissertation, MA degree in Comparative Literature, University of Torino (2020)
  5. Service

    • Reviewer, DH2023, DHd2024, DH2024
    • Reviewer, Palgrave